How I Beat The Crap Out of Burnout
Baybeeee…Burnout is REAL! In grad school, we’re taught that as new therapists, we shouldn’t expect to get high salaries, the clients we want, or private practice jobs. We’re groomed to work in agencies with crazy caseloads, countless documentation, and insane hours.
The advice a.k.a. disclaimer is just to make sure to practice self-care. But when you’re experiencing burnout, self-care can feel more like escapism and a stark reminder of what you’ll return to once the pampering/journaling/therapy ends.
Sometimes, the best choice to beating burnout is to get out. Here are some ways to get your Jordan Peele on and GET OUT:
Create a strategy where you can prioritize your mental and physical health.
Discuss it with your support system.
Save and budget to prepare.
Reach out to colleagues in your field for other opportunities.
Spruce up that resume, update LinkedIn, and apply for something new.
Complete a self-assessment on skills, talents, and resources you currently possess that you may be able to provide as services to others.
Take risks, double your worth and add tax.
Remind yourself that you are not stuck.
Your health is worth more than any cent you'll earn. Prioritizing your wellbeing and acknowledge your value by not staying in any situation that is less than what you deserve.